Concerns have been raised about the boom/bust nature of certain economies. It made me think—thank you for that. What I’m wondering is, how many businesses in Haines come and go on a smaller scale—like services, stores, restaurants, fishing, or tour related enterprises? Do these count as boom or bust concerns? What makes something large enough to be considered for this worry? Projects and grants bring large sums of money to Haines for a short time, and often leave infrastructure to be used by the community. Do people in Haines have adjustment problems to these seasonal or short-term money infusions? If someone offered money or opportunity for 10 years, would I say, “No, because I think you’re only going to give it to me for 10 years.”? As I think this through, I can’t envision too many hardships resulting from an infusion of money or opportunities in our community. But thanks for prompting me to think about it.
James Sage