I would like to personally thank all those in the Haines community who have been so generous this Christmas season. We have had so many in this great community give back by volunteering at the Kettle and giving donations of not only money but toys and food. We started off really strong this year and at one point we were surpassing our daily income compared to last year. Although we still have a couple weeks to go before Christmas, we are starting to fall behind. As always I would like to be open and upfront with our fundraising campaign this Christmas season. As of December 11, we are down on donations by $1,100, compared to this time last year. I feel that if we make Haines aware of the need you will step up and help us to reach our goal for this season. Your last-minute generous donations will help us to continue to meet the needs of your friends and neighbors, by giving them a “hand up” when they need it. Once again we thank all the donors, volunteers and friends of The Salvation Army, as you “Help Us, Help Haines.” God bless.

Lieutenant Kevin Woods

Salvation Army Officer
