Monday, Aug. 26
Dispatch provided a caller with the poison control hotline number to assist with a toddler who had swallowed detergent.
A person reported a motorcycle parked illegally near the intersection of Second Avenue and Main Street.
A woman reported she and a man were driving in a vehicle near 33 Mile Haines Highway when the man grabbed her ponytail and threatened to kill her. The man was arrested and charged with assault in the fourth degree and violating conditions of release.
A man reported he will be studying bats in Haines and wanted to notify police of his activities because of their unusual nature.
A traffic stop resulted in a warning for failure to stop at a stop sign.
Sunday, Aug. 25
A Mathias Avenue resident reported a theft from her vehicle. She said she heard people entering the vehicle, but didn’t see them.
A woman reported she was receiving harassing phone calls from a man. Dispatch advised the woman to fill out trace paperwork at the local phone company, and an officer was advised.
A person complained about two juvenile skateboarders on Main Street. An officer responded but was unable to locate the skateboarders.
A person reported a vehicle fire on Beach Road. Fire crews responded. The fire was extinguished by the crew, and was apparently caused by a short circuit which melted some wires and caused damage. No injuries were reported.
A traffic stop resulted in a verbal warning for erratic driving.
Saturday, Aug. 24
A state agency reported an employee driving recklessly. Police contacted the employee and gave the man a warning.
A caller reported an unauthorized burn producing a lot of black smoke near the top of Fourth Avenue. An officer responded and confirmed unauthorized materials were being burned at the unattended fire. The matter is being handled civilly through the borough.
A woman reported a domestic violence assault on Portage Street. She said the man had grabbed her wrist and yelled at her. The man was arrested and charged with fourth degree assault.
Friday, Aug. 23
A caller requested a welfare check on a man who was found to have died. The man was a hospice patient.
A person reported a vehicle parked in the intersection of Third Avenue and Main Street.
A caller reported seeing people attempting to water-ski in Lutak Inlet. It did not appear anyone needed help.
A tour company employee reported two male guitarists performing and “gallivanting” around the Port Chilkoot Dock and collecting donations. This is not allowed under the solicitation portion of borough code. An officer responded but the men had left the area.
Thursday, Aug. 22
A vehicle accident was reported at a downtown business loading dock. A truck had backed into an elevated walkway, causing nearly $10,000 in damage.
A caller reported a vehicle parked on the shoulder near 6 Mile Haines Highway was blocking the road. Troopers were advised.
A caller reported a reckless driver weaving along the road and pulling into a Main Street parking lot. Police were unable to locate the vehicle.
A caller requested a welfare check on a person she hadn’t heard from in over a week. Police relayed a message to the man who was staying in a local lodging.
A Mathias Avenue resident reported someone had been stealing from her home. She requested extra patrols of the area.
A traffic stop resulted in a warning for speeding.
Wednesday, Aug. 21
State road crews were advised of large rocks in the incoming lane on Mud Bay Road near the cannery.
Police arrested a man on a warrant for failure to appear and also charged him with violating conditions of release.
A man reported fuel oil had been stolen from his Klukwan residence. Dispatch referred him to troopers.
A Lynnview Drive resident requested extra patrols after an unknown vehicle parked in front of her house late at night. She also reported other suspicious activity.
A Mosquito Lake resident reported a man had nearly driven into a ditch and was likely headed into town. He was concerned the driver was intoxicated. Troopers and police were advised but couldn’t locate the vehicle.
A traffic stop resulted in a warning for speeding.
Tuesday, Aug. 20
A caller reported receiving a suspicious email informing her of a password change to a bank in another country she had no association with. Dispatch said it was likely a fraudulent email.
A caller from a Fort Seward hotel reported one of the hotel’s rental vehicles had been struck by a hit-and-run driver while parked in front of the hotel. Police initiated a case.
A person reported a horse in a trailer park near 1 Mile Haines Highway. The owner retrieved the horse.
Dispatch received 21 medical calls and two canine calls.