We here at The Salvation Army would like to thank all those in this great community who have been so supportive throughout this last year. This time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is a critical time for us when it comes to fundraising. The kettles and bell-ringers that we have around town will help us generate much-needed funds to make it into the summer. Although donations have been coming in, what we are in desperate need of is bell-ringers to work the kettle.

Normally by this time, our bell-ringing calendar is completely full; unfortunately we don’t even have a whole week filled up in December. Time and time again we have found that if you make your needs known in Haines, the good folks of this community will step up—so we’re making our needs known.

As we move into this busy time of year, please don’t forget those in our community who might need a “hand up”. Please contact us at The Salvation Army and let us know where you would like to be of service. Thank you in advance for your financial donations and the giving of your time, as you “Help Us, Help Haines”

Lt. Kevin Woods
