Monday, Aug. 25

Two callers reported a horse loose on Small Tracts Road. The owner was notified.

A caller reported a bear followed a person down Second Avenue. An officer responded but didn’t locate the bear.

Police warned a resident near 1 Mile Haines Highway about cleaning up bear attractants.

A 6 Mile Haines Highway resident called to report an aggressive brown bear in the yard. Police responded as troopers were unavailable. Troopers soon responded and moved the bear off the property with rubber bullets and noise makers. The resident called back later to report they shot the bear after it charged them. Wildlife troopers were notified.

A resident came to the station to ask about abandoned vehicles on Comstock Road. Police are working to identify the vehicle owners.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police asked police to make contact with a man camping in Haines. Police were unable to locate the man.

Sunday, Aug. 24

A Mud Bay Road resident reported a bear breaking cherry trees in the yard. Police responded and moved the bear out of the area.

A caller reported three brown bears in a yard on Beach Road. Police responded and scared them off with a siren blast.

A caller reported a wheel came off his vehicle and hit a business near the intersection of Main Street and the Haines Highway. Police contacted the business owner and helped the man get his vehicle off the road.

A 911 caller reported a man trying to get in her home on Mud Bay Road. Police responded and found the man was also a resident of the home. Both parties were intoxicated. Police contacted ministerial services, which helped lodge the man in a motel.

Saturday, Aug. 23

A person reported a bear in the woods off Small Tracts Road moving toward the recycling center. Wildlife troopers were advised.

A Fort Seward business said it might need help removing an unruly guest. No action was requested.

A caller reported a sow and cubs in her Fair Drive yard. Officers were advised.

A caller reported children riding bikes in the road near 2 Mile Haines Highway. Officers were advised.

A Mud Bay Road caller reported a bear in the yard breaking cherry trees. Police used rubber bullets to move the bear. The person called back later to say the bear had returned. Police used rubber bullets again and followed the bear to ensure it moved down the beach and away from residences.

A caller reported two vehicles parked illegally on Beach Road. Officers contacted the owners, who moved the vehicles.

Friday, Aug. 22

A Helm’s Loop resident reported a carbon monoxide detector had sounded. Fire department personnel determined the home was fine.

A Juneau caller reported fraudulent activity with an old Haines phone number. Dispatch advised the person call the Juneau police department.

A caller reported a pickup truck near the museum appeared to be leaking gas from its fuel tank. Fire department personnel responded.

A person reported a reckless driver speeding toward town down Lutak Road. Police were unable to locate the vehicle.

A caller reported a collision between a vehicle and motorbike on Hooter Lane. Police said the person operating the motorbike was an unlicensed juvenile. Police said they would not release injury information because of medical privacy laws and refused to provide further details.

Thursday, Aug. 21

An officer notified dispatch of brown bear cubs on Mud Bay Road.

A caller reported hearing loud banging noises coming from an unknown location at a closed business near the intersection of Old Haines Highway and Mud Bay Road. The caller was told to call back if they heard or saw anything else.

A caller reported seeing a sow and two cubs on Sawmill Road. An officer was advised.

A man came to the station to ask for help getting a ferry ticket. Dispatch referred the man to the Salvation Army.

A caller reported a bear had scattered garbage on Sawmill Road. The caller said they picked up the garbage.

A caller reported a one-car vehicle accident with injuries near 7.5 Mile Mud Bay Road. Police responded and determined the person had driven off the road due to fatigue. The person was treated and released.

A person reported children jumping off the Haines-Skagway Fast Ferry dock. An officer responded and warned the children, who left.

A caller reported a broken water main near the intersection of Old Haines Highway and Allen Road. Public works was advised.

A person reported an intoxicated man had fallen at the Small Boat Harbor. An officer responded and found the man hadn’t been injured.

A caller reported a broken pipe at a business near 6.5 Mile Lutak Road. Dispatch helped make calls to local businesses for repairs.

Wednesday, Aug. 20

A caller reported a horse loose on Small Tracts Road. The owner was notified.

A person reported a suspicious vehicle at a Small Tracts Road residence. An officer responded and found nothing criminal.

Tuesday, Aug. 19

A Mathias Avenue resident came to the station to report finding blue PVC water tubing, which she believed was evidence people are siphoning gas out of her fuel tank. An officer was advised.

A caller reported a small child at a Klukwan, Inc. dock fence hanging off the railing. An officer responded but found no one.

A person called to report there was no water on Cathedral View Drive. Public works responded and said the issue was resolved but water might go off again.
