Monday, Nov. 5

A caller reported a downed tree blocking both lanes of traffic near 2 Mile Lutak Road. State road crews were notified and removed the tree.

A man reported his black lab went missing near Third Avenue and Union Street.

Callers reported a rockslide near 15 Mile Haines Highway. State road crews were notified and cleared the highway.

A caller requested extra patrols after observing a suspicious vehicle in her driveway.

A caller asked dispatch to confirm an apartment building was on fire in Juneau. The woman’s brother lived in the building. Dispatch confirmed the fire.

The Juneau Police Department asked if the Haines Police Department wanted to extradite a Haines man who had a $1,000 arrest warrant. HPD declined.

Sunday, Nov. 4

An officer advised dispatch of a blue van in a ditch at Third Avenue and Major Road.

A caller reported someone had hit a parked vehicle and damaged the front railing of a church before driving away. The parked vehicle incurred considerable damage. A man called five hours after the report to take responsibility for the accident.

A caller asked dispatch for help in contacting a man whose roof the caller observed leaking.

Saturday, Nov. 3

An individual found a cell phone in a snow bank near Carr’s Cove and turned it in to police. The phone was returned to the owner.

A caller reported a civil matter regarding a vehicle she recently purchased. She suspected promised repairs had not been made on the vehicle before the transaction. Dispatch advised the caller of her options.

A man received a citation at 2 p.m. for driving with a revoked license near Fourth Avenue and Dalton Highway. At 2:30 p.m., an officer observed the same man driving between Mission Street and Haines Highway. The officer arrested the man who was later released on his own recognizance. At 6:40 p.m., a caller reported the same man wanted a ride from the ferry terminal to the clinic. An officer contacted the man and gave him a ride.

An individual came to the department to report her vehicle had died at 3 Mile Haines Highway. Officers responded and the vehicle was moved.

Friday, Nov. 2

A downtown restaurant owner requested ongoing extra patrols while he is away.

A caller reported a disoriented, possibly intoxicated male standing in the roadway on Second Avenue by the Senior Village. Police were unable to locate the man.

A caller reported a pickup swerving across road lines near 5 Mile Haines Highway. Police did not locate the truck.

Officers arrested a man and woman for violating protective orders they had placed against each another.

A caller reported an intoxicated man going up the stairs of a business on Main Street. She said she was concerned for his welfare due to the cold weather. Police responded and took the man into protective custody for the night.

A caller reported nearly hitting a snowmachine driving near the post office on Old Haines Highway. Police located the driver and issued a verbal warning.

A traffic stop resulted in a verbal warning for excessive speed.

Thursday, Nov. 1

A caller reported horses missing from a pasture on Comstock Road. The owner located the horses without assistance.

A caller requested a tow truck after crashing his vehicle near 25 Mile Haines Highway. No injuries were reported. Police alerted state troopers.

A caller at the Dusty Trails apartment complex reported hearing a gunshot. Police interviewed residents but were unable to identify the source of the sound.

A downtown restaurant reported a male customer had been making lewd comments toward female employees. Police conducted interviews and the business advised they would not allow the man back if behavior continued.

A male reported people were “giving him a hard time” at a downtown bar. Two officers responded. No charges were filed.

Wednesday, Oct. 31

A caller reported hearing a gunshot in the Dusty Trails apartment complex around 7:30 p.m. Police determined the noise had probably been fireworks.

A protective order was served to a respondent at the police station.

A parent called at 11 p.m. concerned his daughter was out past curfew. Dispatch advised officers to look for the girl. The parent called later to report the girl was fine and had been out with friends.

Three traffic stops resulted in verbal warnings for failure to stop at stop signs.

Tuesday, Oct. 30

A vehicle accident resulting in minor damage occurred near Union Street and Fourth Avenue. No injuries were reported.

A resident on Deishu Drive reported being locked out of her residence. Police contacted the key holder to assist.

A caller requested sand be used on a Third Avenue hill that was icy. Police contacted a borough public works official who said sand couldn’t be effectively laid until it stopped snowing.

A caller reported a truck partly stuck in a ditch, creating hazardous driving conditions near Young Road and Third Avenue. Police erected traffic cones. The owner had left the truck to get help and eventually removed the truck.

A recently divorced couple reported a disagreement over personal property. Officers determined the dispute was a civil matter and referred the individuals to the magistrate.

Two vehicles were reported in a ditch on Third Avenue and Mud Bay Road due to icy conditions. Public works said they would not sand the road until it stopped snowing.

A caller on Young Road and Mathias Drive requested roads be sanded as she had witnessed three vehicles slide into a ditch due to icy conditions. She was told public works was aware of the issue.

A volunteer sought help after locking herself out of a facility where she was working on Small Tracts Road. A key holder was contacted and opened the door for her.

A caller requested extra patrols in the Highland Estates area around 10 p.m. The neighborhood resident reported a transient person being disorderly.

Dispatch reported 21 medical calls and 4 canine calls.
