Micah True and his wife Kim Dao were in Haines to catch up with friends and family, including Micah’s parents Tom and Shelley True. Micah, who received a PhD in French Literature from Duke University, is now teaching French Literature and Folklore at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Kim, who also works at the university, teaches physical therapy with a specialty in neurology. Micah’s brother Nick True, who works for Alaska State Parks in Sitka, was also able to get up to Haines for a visit.

While in town, Micah saw friend Tyler Healy, who was in Haines with his girlfriend Ailis Vann from Palmer. Tyler’s brother Kelly Healy, who lives in Skagway, was also in town while their parents, Tom and Marcia Healy, came down from Palmer. Tom is the former Haines city manager.

Family and friends are happy that Margaret Stevens is recovering from surgery that kept her in Sitka for three months. Margaret was medevaced to Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital in April with an infection that led to the amputation of her lower leg. Granddaughter Lisa M. Stevens flew down with her and was able to spend the first two weeks with Margaret. Son Jimbo Stevens took two trips to be with his mom during her recovery. Margaret is currently living at Haines Assisted Living and looks forward to returning to her home in Klukwan this fall. She was happy to catch up with family who visited from Whitehorse during the fair. She’d love visitors at HAL during her stay.

Carol and Everett Davidson entertained their grandson Jim Ellis and his fiancée Rene Polly for a week. The Forest Grove, Ore. couple enjoyed lots of fishing and had fun viewing bears and other wildlife at Kroschel’s park.

Keva Shull had some special fans in the audience when she performed a selection from Phantom of the Opera at Thursday’s “Southeast’s Got Talent” contest at the Southeast Alaska State Fair. Grandparents Arla and Andre Molsee, who live in Elk River, Id., were there to cheer her on. They met Arla’s son Jason Shull in Juneau, where they loaded King crab and sockeye salmon onto the plane for a family feast before flying up together. They look forward to catching up with friends from Haines and spending time with their two grandchildren, Keva and Finly Shull. Keva won third place in the contest.

Judy Bryan and her husband Rich are in Haines for a month to see Judy’s mother Lola Vogel. They drove to Haines from their home in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area with their three-legged Australian shepherd mix Lizzy. They had fun at the fair, and caught up with Judy’s brother David and his family who came over from Skagway.

The Hagen family was in town during the fair. John G. Hagen was home from fishing with his son John S. Hagen and spent three days with his son Michael, a senior software engineer for Google in Seattle. Daughter Heather Carlton and her husband Steve came up from Juneau for the fair with their son Arlo John and stayed with Heather’s aunt Nora KrakeKathy Enright, Nora’s sister and the kids’ mom, was also in town for the fair reunion. John, Sr. remarked that grandson Arlo rode the same train and carousel at the fair that his kids enjoyed decades ago.

Micah Bochart was in Haines visiting family during the fair. Micah is a videographer in New York City, and assisted his family during the production of the Geppetto’s Junkyard fair performances by capturing footage of the shows. Micah’s parents, Jeff and Adrian Bochart, as well as sisters Merrick and Hannah Bochart, performed in the show. Micah will edit the footage for use by the performers and also plans to make it available for a new website Hannah is putting together to promote the puppeteer troop. Micah is working on securing publication for a novel entitled “Companions of the Garden” about a Muslim woman and non-Muslim man who travel together from New York to New Orleans. You can read about the book at companionsofthegarden.blogspot.com. Micah was married in New York August 11, 2010 to N. Jerin Arifa. Micah and Jerin plan to visit Haines next summer and Jeff and Adrian plan a trip to New York this fall to spend time with the couple.
