The Alaska Arts Confluence has requested the borough adopt an ordinance allocating one percent of all local public construction contracts to public art. The confluence’s community engagement director, Keri Eggleson, asked borough manager Debra Schnabel bring the request to the assembly.

At Tuesday’s assembly meeting, executive director of the arts confluence, Carol Tuynman, spoke in support of an “art ordinance to further the economic vitality to our community.”

“For decades, Haines has successfully touted its vibrant arts scene, attracting tourists to the point of adopting a slogan ‘Haines: where adventure is an art and art is an adventure,’” Tuynman said. “Arts enhances one’s experience in a public place, we see this in our school and library.”

The Percent for Art in Public Places statute, mandated by the Alaska Legislature, requires an expenditure of up to one percent of capital construction costs of public buildings for the acquisition and permanent installation of artwork. The Haines Borough school was built with a .5 percent expenditure for art, school accountant Judy Erekson said.

Assembly member Tom Morphet made a motion to refer the proposal to the borough assembly finance committee to get a feel for public opinion.

“I’ve lived here 30 years and I still have no idea on where the public stands on this,” he said. He added that his initial response would be to set a lower cap for smaller projects.

The motion was seconded by assembly member Stephanie Scott, who said it would be important to publicize the meeting, so the community would have a chance to voice their opinions.

The finance meeting is scheduled for Nov. 13.
