Monday, Aug. 4

A caller who asked why the border was closed was advised that those regulations were set by U.S. Customs.

Police and fire crews responded to an RV on fire at the ferry terminal. The RV needed to be towed for repairs. 

A caller reported that a tour bus driver at the cruise dock had been asked to direct a tourist to a person who was unauthorized to provide tours. Police responded but were unable to locate the unauthorized provider.

A caller reported a motor home parked in the wrong direction on Main Street. The vehicle was leaving when police arrived.

A caller reported a bag of food missing after it and utensils were tied to a bear safety system in the Portage Cove campground.

Sunday, Aug. 3

A caller reported an assault occurring at a downtown bar. Police responded, but the alleged assailants had fled. An officer responded to a request from a Main Street bar for an extra patrol.

A caller on Second Avenue reported a smoke alarm going off in their apartment building but said they would wait until Monday to speak with the fire chief about it.

A caller reported finding the remains of a bear cub near the garbage dump. The wildlife trooper determined the cub had been killed by an adult bear.

A caller reported someone had stolen their bike from the fair, then called back to report that a drunk had used it as a tent anchor and that they had reclaimed it.

A caller reported an unattended fire on Lutak Road. A firefighter responded and determined it to be self-contained.

A Third Avenue caller reported litter left on the side of the road.

A Third Avenue business reported a pink bike had been left there. Dispatch determined the bike’s owner and left a message there.

A caller reported a flower pot on the Port Chilkoot Dock had been thrown down on the beach. An officer helped retrieve it.

Troopers responded to fireworks going off at the end of Mud Bay Road, but found no illegal activity.

Saturday, Aug. 2

An officer provided a ride home for an intoxicated man.

A caller reported a disturbance at the Dusty Trails apartments and requested an extra patrol.

An employee of an Old Haines Highway store reported screens were taken off the store’s windows. An officer determined there was no damage to screens or to the building and no evidence of an attempted break-in.

A caller reported a drunk driver on Small Tracts Road. An officer located the driver and determined he was not impaired.

A fuschsia bike was reported stolen from the fairgrounds. The caller later said the bike had been located in a ditch near a local bar.

A caller reported two golf carts on the Haines Highway near the Fish and Game office. An officer determined operators were part of the fair parade. They were warned to not operate carts on roads when not in a parade.

A business owner reported a statue of a woman had been taken from her business on Main Street sometime in the night.

A caller reported that while driving on Lutak Road, a man waved him down, took pictures of his vehicle and made threatening comments to him. Troopers were advised.

A caller reported that there would be a very heavy box coming in to the Haines airport for the Department of Transportation and asked that a DOT employee help get it off the plane.

An officer advised there was a vehicle at the fairgrounds blocking another vehicle. Dispatch called the owner of the vehicle, who agreed to move it.

A caller reported youths jumping off the Port Chilkoot Dock. A caller reported a wallet stolen from their vehicle at the fairgrounds or at Mosquito Lake.

A caller reported that sometime during the day a black bike was stolen from behind Howsers.

An officer warned two campers at Port Chilkoot Dock beach not to light off fireworks in the townsite.

An intoxicated female unable to care for herself was lodged in the jail.

Friday, Aug. 1

A caller reported two horses loose on Small Tracts Road. The owner retrieved them.

A caller reported a speeding four-wheeler heading toward Mud Bay with an adult and child aboard. Police were unable to locate the driver.

A caller reported his cats missing in the Mud Bay Road area and that one of them had previously come home with an apparent bullet wound. The complainant requested a report be taken in case his cats were harmed.

A caller reported a male and female customer had verbally confronted her husband and made threatening gestures when told to leave their business on Main Street near Allen Road. Police contacted the customers and warned them about disorderly conduct.

A caller reported a refrigerator had been left on the side of the road near the entrance to Deishu Drive with a “free” sign attached. She was concerned that a child might get inside or be hurt. Police investigated and said there were no children inside the refrigerator.

A caller reported excessive noise from a party in Tlingit Park. Police responded and told several people to quiet down.

A caller reported fireworks in the Port Chilkoot Dock area. Police responded and issued a warning for use of fireworks in the townsite.

Thursday, July 31

A caller reported an apparent fight on Soap Suds Alley near Beach Road. Officers found people having an argument. They were separated and warned about disorderly conduct. A Front Street caller reported seeing headlights on her residence and was concerned that police were watching a bear in the area. The lights were not from police, who advised the caller to proceed as if there were a bear and to not venture outside.

A caller reported a pile of bear scat near the Port Chilkoot campground. The caller was concerned for campers over the weekend. Police advised the caller that officers respond only to bears threatening people or property.

A skateboarder at Port Chilkoot Dock reportedly “flipped off” a driver when the caller advised him to not skate in the middle of the road. The skateboarder continued down the middle of the road. Police were advised.

A caller reported a sow and two brown bear cubs near 7 Mile Haines Highway. The wildlife trooper was advised.

A caller reported seeing a bear and two cubs on Small Tracts Road. The caller was advised to keep a safe distance. Police responded, but didn’t find the bears.

A caller reported that an intoxicated man fell off his bike and into a ditch on Haines Highway. Police took the man to a beach where he was staying.

Police assisted a motorist broken down Old Haines Highway near Front Street.

Wednesday, July 30

The ambulance responded to a call from Klukwan.

A caller reported horses loose on Mud Bay Road at Letnikof. A message was left for their owners.

A caller reported illegal camping in the lower harbor parking lot. Police were advised, and issued a parking citation and a warning for prohibited camping.

A caller reported a horse tied next to a house on a tether in the area of Muncaster Road and was concerned for its safety because of bears in the area.

An intoxicated man was reported walking near Main Street.

A man reported being assaulted in a laundry room in an apartment building. Police initiated a case.

A caller reported a theft of items from a home on New Hart Road. Police initiated a case.

Tuesday, July 29

Troopers were advised of an apparent trespass at a home in the Mosquito Lake area.

A man was seen dumping boxes into the recycle dumpster at the Small Boat Harbor. Police investigated and responded to the man’s last known address, but were unable to make contact. A note to call police was left.

A caller reported seeing a vehicle driven recklessly on Main Street near Second Avenue. Police arrived but the vehicle had gone.

Haines Animal Rescue Kennel responded after a caller in a Second Avenue apartment complex reported a stray cat needing to be taken in.

A caller reported that a tour bus disabled and off the road near Dalton and Front streets would be moved in the morning.
