I have been following the ongoing discussion concerning police services outside the townsite and would like to offer my sense of the problem and it’s many and varied views, ideas, and solutions offered. The State of Alaska certifies police officers whose jurisdictions do not stop at municipal, borough, or townsite boundaries, but continue border to border within the state. So, having said that it would appear the proper response to calls for service outside of a designated space, often referred to as a jurisdiction, is a political decision that rests with elected officials.

The Haines Borough Police receive the majority of its funding from the borough from sales tax revenue. The state chips in a portion for jail operations. Anyone spending money within the townsite helps to fund police services within the townsite. Unlike the state, the borough doesn’t have the resources or personnel to respond beyond the townsite borders except in emergencies, or unique situations that have been cleared beforehand. In a perfect world the Police would patrol outside the townsite and respond to all calls for service in the entire borough. Without additional funds I don’t see that happening.

Is there a solution? Probably, but any solution will leave winners and losers. The process the borough is currently going through is the correct one, and anyone interested in the outcome should weigh in with their thoughts and ideas.

Gregory Goodman
