Eliza Lende and Justin Dorn were married Saturday at a Chilkat State Park beach. Eliza’s parents, Chip and Heather Lende, watched from the front row while the couple’s dog, Annie, took a swim in the ocean moments before the ceremony. Justin’s parents are Jim Dorn of Juneau and Marti Early of Lancaster, Penn. Justin’s sister Betsy Dorn presented the rings and Justin’s godfather, Lindsey Kurt-Mason, gave a reading. Jim Dorn chartered a boat from Juneau to bring 70 to the event, including Justin’s grandparents Natalie and John Dorn of Bellevue, Wash., and uncles, aunts and cousins. Joanne Lende, Eliza’s grandmother, traveled from Middleberg, Va. Eliza’s grandfather, Bob Vuillet, came from Pine Plains, N.Y., with friend Liso Starrett. Bob’s sister Jeanne Poole, Jeanne’s sons Tony and Jon Poole, and Bob’s cousins Dick and Bob Brush also attended. Eliza’s aunt Kathleen Augustine traveled from New York City. Nancy Nash played flute for the ceremony. Justin and Eliza were married on the same day as Eliza’s grandfather and grandmother, Bob Vuillet and the late Sally Vuillet. Fred Shields made pearl earrings for sisters Eliza, Sarah Lende Elliott, J.J. Lende and Stoli Lynch from a necklace that belonged to Sally. Eliza wore a hand-knotted pearl necklace made for her by Justin’s mom. Tim June and Sue Nelson decorated their Land Rover with roses and lilacs, and chauffeured the couple to the reception at Fort Seward’s tribal house. Teresa Hura and Nancy Schnabel helped decorate. Sarah Jaymot catered the dinner that included dishes made by guests. Julia Scott and local musicians provided music. Family friend Nancy Lehnhart of Juneau made the wedding cake and 200 cupcakes. Mario Rivera, an exchange student who graduated from Haines High School in 1993 and lives in Sweden, also attended. Ken and Nancy Seright made the trip up from their new home in Walla Walla, Wash. Justin’s family hosted a pizza dinner Friday night for family and out-of-town guests. Suzanne Vuillet-Smith, Eliza’s aunt, helped organize fishing expeditions with husband Norm Smith. In addition to weekend events, Bob hosted a family dinner Monday to celebrate his upcoming 80th birthday.
Former resident Correy Ericksen graduated from Corbett High School May 29. Parents Mira and Randy Ericksen threw a celebration at their home in Corbett, Ore., with their daughter Dana. Randy’s father, Jerry Ericksen, came from Florence, Ore., and Mira’s sister Laura Hyman came in from Nashville. Correy’s godparents Kurt and Chris Kondzela traveled from Juneau. Dan Henry, Robin Grace and Charlie Henry came from Eugene. Haines residents Jeanne Kitayama and Sandy Barclay made the trip from Haines. Correy graduated with honors and will attend Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash. The Ericksens are in Haines for their annual summer visit.
John Svenson and Chorus Bishop recently made what may be the first ascent of a local peak John dubbed “Conan’s Molar.” John said he’d been looking at the 6,100-foot peak for years and named it for its resemblance to a big tooth. It’s located behind Pyramid Harbor, surrounded by jungly terrain. John said the trek was the worst bushwhack he’s ever made. “We were literally suspended in alder and devil’s club for hours on steep slopes.” They summited in two days. Sarah, Gershon and Kerry Cohen watched their progress from Letnikof Cove and with Sharon Svenson at her home. While the climb wasn’t technical, the access was brutal, according to John, who has guided clients on mountains in Alaska and worldwide. The pair left a cairn of stones at the summit to mark their accomplishment.
The Chilkat Valley Community Foundation will hold its annual donor appreciation dinner 5 p.m. Sunday with free, four-hole golf, croquet, horseshoes and tours of the Valley of the Eagles golf course. Donors and those interested in learning about the community foundation will be treated to a barbecue dinner and dessert, while they socialize and hear more about the foundation’s work. “Donors make our community strong in so many ways,” said foundation board chair Ann Myren. “We want to thank everyone with a fun summer event.”
Monday night’s electrical storm was the longest and most memorable here in 65 years, said longtime resident Carol Waldo. Lightning strikes during an August 1995 storm started several fires, said forester Roy Josephson.
A free concert celebrating children and families will be held 7 p.m. Saturday at the Presbyterian Church. Performers will include the Haines Women’s A Capella Chorus and harpist Holly Davis. Musicians including Burl Sheldon, Hannah Wing and Mario Benassi will perform songs based on lessons from TV psychologist “Dr. Phil McGraw,” as written by local songwriter Christy Tengs Fowler.
Other slated performers include Keva Shull, Adrian Nash, Jae McDermaid and Heather Whitney. Whitney, a singer from Washington state, is in town making presentations about parenting.