RE: police service areas
I ask that we cancel the police service areas considered to come to a vote process and replace that effort with an all-out push for re-seating a state trooper for Haines.
1. Being an election year, the timing is right to seek re-seating of our trooper, using all influence with our governor and with governor candidates, especially Mark Begich.
2. It is also the poorest time for police service areas as it shows the state that we are willing to handle our own policing without the need of a trooper.
3. Situated on a state highway that enjoys state and international travel, it is obvious that we should have a state trooper return to Haines.
4. Data of contacts between Haines Borough and State Government need be current and repetitive and be kept in a log showing who, when, how contacts were made and the disposition of each.
5. Contacts need to be made by the assembly, Mayor, manager and selected staff assigned to the task.
6. Citizen involvement with the contacts are to be encouraged and facilitated by the borough government, with the borough providing email addresses, phone numbers, to encourage such contacts. Form letters and petitions would also be useful so that citizens can easily support the process. Petitions should be developed and distributed around town and at the borough office, including up the highway, at Lutak and at Mud Bay.
My best to all of us.
Ron Weishahn