Monday, March 10
Several callers reported fireworks in the townsite at 10:09 p.m. The callers were informed that there was a permitted fireworks display in the Fort Seward area.
Sunday, March 9
A caller reported being trapped in the cabin of his boat at the Small Boat Harbor due to the amount of snowfall. The harbormaster was advised and assisted. The caller couldn’t open his hatch due to the amount of snow on his deck.
An officer assisted a motorist in digging a car out of snow at Third Avenue and Union Street.
A caller requested assistance getting into an apartment on Union Street. An officer was advised.
A caller reported an individual under the age of 21 living in an apartment that did not qualify as a legal dwelling space.
An officer assisted a motorist in removing a snowmachine from a snow bank on Small Tracts Road.
An officer reported a snowmachine stuck in a ditch on Small Tracts Road.
An officer assisted a vehicle that was stuck in the snow.
Saturday, March 8
A state highway employee reported a truck on its side at 4.5 Mile Haines Highway that appeared to be unoccupied. An officer responded and determined there were no occupants in the vehicle, with footprints leaving the area. Information on the registered owner of the vehicle was forwarded to troopers.
A caller reported he was unable to park in his parking lot on Dalton Street due to the large amount of snow. Borough road crews were advised.
A caller reported vehicles were driving without headlights around town.
A caller reported Menaker Road had not been plowed and he was unable to drive on it. Road crews were advised.
A caller reported two juveniles had gotten a snowmachine stuck in a snow bank in the area of Young Road.
A public advisory was issued advising drivers not to drive unless necessary.
A resident reported two feet of standing snow on Mud Bay Road. State road crews were advised.
A caller reported her vehicle was stuck on Young Road.
A caller reported an avalanche across the road at 12 Mile Haines Highway. State road crews were advised and responded.
A license status check was requested by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
A caller requested assistance with a vehicle that had become stuck in the snow at the end of Beach Road.
A caller reported being unable to park in her driveway off Fourth Avenue due to the amount of snowfall.
An officer reported he assisted a vehicle stuck in the snow on Second Avenue and Haines Highway.
A caller complained that she could not access her Mathias Avenue home because of the berm left by snow removal crews. An officer responded and assisted.
A caller reported a vehicle was out of gas on Main Street. An officer responded to assist.
A citizen reported being unable to get her vehicle home to Dusty Trails. An officer responded to assist.
Friday, March 7
A caller requested fire personnel to investigate a potential chimney fire on Comstock Road. Fire personnel responded and found everything to be fine.
Thursday, March 6
A caller reported illegal firewood cutting at the Mount Riley trailhead. Troopers were advised.
A caller reported finding a dead eagle on a Beach Road extension construction site. Eagle foundation officials were advised and responded.
A Main Street liquor store employee reported a violation of conditions of release for a female who was attempting to purchase liquor, was intoxicated and admitted to being on conditions. Police were unable to locate the woman.
Wednesday, March 5
A caller reported that two customers attempted to commit fraud during a credit card transaction at Acme Transfer. Police interviewed the business owner.
Two consecutive 911 calls from an unknown number were untraceable.
A caller reported having struck a moose at 3 Mile Haines Highway. The moose walked away. The caller was advised to fill out an insurance form and the Alaska Wildlife Troopers were advised.
A caller reported a house fire on Deishu Drive. Fire personnel responded and found it to be a chimney fire. Flames and smoke were gone when firefighters arrived on scene.
Tuesday, March 4
A 911 call was received for a man who had fallen from a wheelchair at a Deishu Drive residence and needed assistance getting up. EMTs responded to help.
Troopers responded to a non-injury vehicle rollover accident at 20 Mile Haines Highway. A vehicle that had dropped off a bank and landed on the frozen river was recovered by a tow truck.
A caller reported a helicopter flying consistently over her residence near 3 Mile Haines Highway. The caller was advised to contact the FAA.
A caller reported an apparently injured moose at about 10 Mile Haines highway. Troopers responded and found the moose to be moving on its own and advised that nature would take its course.
A protective order was received for a male who was located in Juneau. The order was sent to the appropriate agency.