In the borough code, conflict of interest is defined as someone who would gain financially or have a special interest in a particular topic. In regards to the Parks and Recreation Committee, four of the standing five are Lynn Canal Conservation members. By adding George Figdor to the board, it would be five. It seems that since Lynn Canal Conservation lobbies governments, appeals decisions and is involved every part of Lynn Canal life, I would say that having a quorum of members on this board from LCC is a violation of our borough code.

They certainly represent a special interest. More importantly, demonstrated by last Tuesday night’s Parks and Rec meeting, the public does not trust some of the members on this board to do what they are commissioned to do.

I witnessed after adjournment of the meeting, five members of the board talking intently for 10 minutes about something. I was curious and asked a member as they departed what were they talking about. They told me they were doing agenda item business, and they had stated to other members that what they were doing was illegal, i.e. meeting and discussing business in private with a quorum. This to me says that this particular group should be disbanded and a more rounded group of individuals from the community should be appointed. I have let the Mayor and manager know about this. Please, if you are concerned, follow up with them on this. Stay involved!

Scott Sundberg
