Monday, May 6
A business on West Fair Drive reported vandals had broken the windows of a business vehicle. Officers are investigating.
A large boulder was reported in the road at 2 Mile Lutak Road.
Police investigated a two-vehicle collision near Second Avenue and View Street. One car had backed into another, causing minor damage and no injuries.
Six traffic stops resulted in three verbal warnings for excessive speed, one for a defective taillight and two for expired registration.
Sunday, May 5
A citizen asked the department to relay a message to a relative at the Lemon Creek Correctional Facility in Juneau. Officers explained they could not assist.
A man reported he arrived at his residence on Fourth Avenue and observed unknown individuals leaving the house. Officers arrived and found evidence of damage on some property, but the man could not provide a description of the trespassers. Alcohol was a factor.
A Mathias Avenue resident reported someone was shaking the outdoor fireplace and tore siding off the house. Officers documented the report.
A citizen requested assistance in disposing of battery acid. Dispatch provided the caller with phone numbers for local mechanics.
A person came to the station to report the inventory of a Beach Road business was blowing around the yard. A responsible person was notified.
A caller reported vehicles on FAA Road may have been damaged by projectiles fired from a BB gun. An officer responded and documented the damage.
A citizen reported a grizzly bear on the beach near Front Street. An officer responded but was unable to locate the bear.
State road crews were advised of a large rock in Lutak Road.
Dispatch received a report of a vehicle almost striking a horse loose on the Haines Highway. An officer responded and contacted the animal’s owner.
Traffic stops resulted in verbal warnings for failure to stop at a stop sign and going the wrong way in a one-way zone.
Saturday, May 4
A caller reported a two-vehicle collision on Lynnview Drive. One vehicle backed into another, causing more than $500 in cosmetic damage but no injuries. Officers took photos and filed a report.
An officer removed rocks from Lutak Road.
Three traffic stops resulted in verbal warnings for no headlights, exiting from the wrong lane of a parking lot and equipment violations.
Friday, May 3
A caller reported a gas pump was spilling gas due to a malfunctioning automatic switch. The business owner was advised.
A caller reported a trailer nearly causing an accident on the Haines Highway because it did not have working brake lights. The caller could not provide a license plate number or vehicle description.
A caller requested more traffic control on a construction site near Front Street due to fears a dump truck would back into the caller’s vehicle. An officer responded and found traffic control was adequate.
A vehicle owner reported they would be leaving their broken down vehicle in a business parking lot overnight.
A traffic stop resulted in a verbal warning for no illuminated brake lights or headlights.
Thursday, May 2
A Small Tracts Road resident reported her carbon monoxide detector was beeping. Fire department personnel responded and determined carbon monoxide levels were acceptable.
A caller reported information regarding the theft of a $2,000 Apple laptop from a backpack in a park several weeks ago.
A caller reported a business vehicle heading toward the airport failed to stop at a stop sign and could have caused an accident. An officer was advised.
Wednesday, May 1
A caller reported an abandoned vehicle on New Hart Road. Police initiated an investigation.
Tuesday, April 30
A caller reported a school bus and car stuck on the Third Avenue hill, but the vehicles were gone by the time an officer arrived.
A resident reported unauthorized transactions on a credit card totaling about $200. An investigation is continuing.
A tenant on FAA Road called to report their landlord was attempting to evict them without 30 days’ notice and had gone through the residence without the tenant’s permission. Officers determined the matter to be a civil issue.
A traffic stop resulted in a verbal warning for a defective taillight.
Dispatch received nine medical calls and three canine calls.