I have been a subscriber to the Chilkat Valley News for 15 years or so since visiting my Navy shipmate, Erwin Hertz, a couple of times. The police blotter has always been of interest to my wife and me.
Here in Lansing, Mich., people have open access to criminal activities. Sexual predators, for instance, are on the Internet, including pictures, and the crimes they were prosecuted for. Also a map is provided showing where they live. This is extremely valuable to women and children so they can avoid those houses.
Knowledge of criminals and details about crimes committed is vital for personal safety. So I am in disagreement with chief Heath Scott and consider this decision to cut the CVN blotter as, in most cases, a disservice to the community of Haines. Over the years we have also enjoyed items of horses being on the loose, bears, moose and other wild animals invading people’s property as well as awareness of what Haines Police are dealing with.
We loved Haines and made many friends there. We hope chief Heath Scott will reconsider the value of the blotter.
Jim Stiles
Lansing, Mich.