I want to thank everyone again who has contributed to the “White Fang” exhibit at the museum. It’s been exciting to watch visitors relive this special moment as they remember friends and experiences from this once-in-a-lifetime event. The information in the exhibit is accurate to the memories of those who shared their experiences with me, the stories written at the time in the Chilkat Valley News, and documents from the production of “White Fang” itself. That being said I need to correct several errors about the exhibit that were recently published in the CVN:

The set for both Skagway and Klondike City (later changed to Dalton City after the move to the fairgrounds) was at Jones Point.

The mid-winter thaw that occurred in Haines in 1990 extended the filming schedule for the movie. It did not drive filmmakers into the Yukon.

While it is possible that some of the characters in the television show “Northern Exposure” may have been inspired by Haines residents, the TV show was already in production before filming started for “White Fang” and the pilot aired the week after filming for “White Fang” was wrapped. There are rumors that Haines was also scouted as a location for the TV show, but that can neither be confirmed nor denied.

As for the wolves and dogs that were excited for the potato-flake slush? They were the trained animal actors, not wild animals attracted to the set.

 Madeline Witek

Community Coordinator at the Sheldon Muse
