Put on your holiday best, dress your pets, prepare your snowshoes and get your taste buds ready for holiday events in Haines this weekend.

Pet pictures with Santa, hosted by Haines Animal Rescue Kennel, will be on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at the Senior Center.

HARK executive director Tracy Mikowski said the event serves as a small fundraiser for the shelter, but ends up being big fun for people and pets alike. Santa and elf costumes are available for the pets. Mikowski said the mishaps and outtakes are often what make the photoshoot so enjoyable.

“It’s good for a laugh,” Mikowski said. “Sometimes it’s easy to get stressed out about all the things you need to do for the holidays, so this is a good way to break it up.”

People can go home with precious pictures of their dogs and cats on Santa’s lap, as well as digital copies of photos via email for future sharing.

The Sheldon Museum will host family pictures with Santa on Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m.

Madeline Witek, museum community coordinator, said the photos will coincide with the Cookie and Candy Contest so people can snack on the delectable treats.

Adults and youth can enter homemade cookies or candy into the contest from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 9. Contestants must submit two dozen samples of each entry to be qualified to compete, but there is no limit on the number of entries allowed.

Witek said the entries – in cookie and candy categories – will be judged separately for adults and juniors on taste, appearance and originality.

The Chamber of Commerce will host the first annual Santa-Athalon on Saturday at 2 p.m. on the Haines School track. Participants 16 years and older can compete in a snowshoe run, slingshot shoot, wood splitting, present wrapping and milk and cookie eating contests.

Debra Schnabel, chamber executive director, said some events will be judged on timing, but others like the present wrapping and cookie eating contests will be judged on both timing and form.

There will be $50 prizes in each division, Schnabel said. Dress warmly and bring your own snowshoes, if possible. Festive Santa hats will be provided.
