Monday, June 22
A Tower Road resident reported someone stole approximately 200 gallons of heating fuel over the past month. Police are investigating.
A caller from 25 Mile Haines Highway reported a theft from a rental property. Troopers were advised.
A person reported unauthorized tent camping at Tlingit Park. Police responded and tagged the unoccupied tent for removal after 12 hours.
Sunday, June 21
A person reported someone ripped a toilet paper dispenser off the wall in one of the men’s bathrooms at the Port Chilkoot Dock.
A caller reported a single-vehicle accident on Small Tracts Road. Fire crews and police responded. The male driver was transported to the clinic, where he was treated and released.
A caller reported nearly being hit by a white Chevy pickup truck. Police asked the caller to get the license plate number if he sees the vehicle again.
Multiple callers reported a fire at Chilkat Lake. The Klehini Valley Fire Department stated they wouldn’t be able to respond until daylight. Dispatch attempted to notify neighboring residents, but either lacked contact information or were only able to leave voicemails.
A traffic stop resulted in citations for speeding and failure to carry insurance.
Saturday, June 20
An FAA Road resident reported two bear cubs walking down the road before being startled and heading into the woods toward Hemlock Estates. Police, troopers, and Fish and Game were notified.
A Major Road caller owner reported a bear caused approximately $4,000 in damage to his sawmill. The man requested police perform extra patrols.
An officer reported a disabled vehicle blocking traffic near Third Avenue and Major Road. Dispatch contacted the owner, who moved the vehicle.
A caller reported a mother cat with two kittens at a business on Union Avenue. The Haines Animal Rescue Kennel was advised.
A resident reported a campfire at Carr’s Cove that was above high tide line. Police responded and advised the fire was at the high tide line in a rocky area, and that the people would put it out.
Friday, June 19
A person reported her vehicle broken down at Third Avenue and Mission Street and she was trying to get it moved. Dispatch asked the person to call back when the vehicle was moved.
A person reported three people breached security at a borough property. The caller said he didn’t need an officer to respond.
A Moose Lane resident reported hearing gun shots coming from below her house. Police responded and met with people shooting off fireworks. The officer told the people to stop.
A Battle Road resident reported being attacked by a cat as he was going into his house. The Haines Animal Rescue Kennel was advised.
Thursday, June 18
A person came to the station to report a bear damaged his sawmill. The bear reportedly ripped the rubber hoses from the gas and water lines. Damage was estimated between $600 and $700. The man said he would kill the bear if it returned. Dispatch advised Fish and Game and police conducted extra patrols.
A man turned in a bicycle that had been parked for a month near a gas station.
A man turned in a credit card he found. Dispatch contacted the owner, who came and got it.
A Dalton Street resident reported someone may have stolen a fishing trailer. The man asked police to delay filing a report for a few days in case a friend borrowed it.
A caller reported a street sign was on the ground in an alley off First Avenue. An officer picked up the sign.
Wednesday, June 17
Dispatch received a satellite phone call from a local man requesting an airplane pick him up off a mountain he was climbing due to impending bad weather. Dispatch helped the man contact an airplane company. The man was flown out of the site the following day.
A woman reported receiving a fraudulent email from her daughter’s email address trying to persuade her to send money out of the country.
A man asked dispatch for the troopers’ phone number so he could report he’d shot three bears at his Beach Road property. One of the bears ran wounded into the woods. An officer responded and determined all three bears were dead. The case was referred to wildlife troopers.
A Second Avenue business owner reported two people tried to break into the business at 4 a.m. The two men fled the scene in a dirty Toyota pickup truck. Officers were advised.
A woman reported a small truck swerving on the Haines Highway. Police located the vehicle and stopped it.
A woman reported her cat attacked her again. The Haines Animal Rescue Kennel said they would respond in the morning and pick up the cat.
Tuesday, June 16
A caller reported she was told there was a horse with no drinking water at 3 Mile Haines Highway and that a person was going to go water the horse. Shortly thereafter, the horse owner reported she was being harassed by the person intending to water the horse. Police contacted the person intending to water the horse and told them to stay off the property. Police checked on the horse, which had water.
A caller reported a sign violation on Portage Street.
A caller asked police to check the building across the street because people were being loud. An officer responded and told the people to keep it down.
A caller reported minors were consuming alcohol at a party on Mud Bay Road. Dispatch was unable to get an exact location. Police checked the area but didn’t locate the party.