A recent letter to the editor took me back to my 14-16 year-old self. A girl who was preyed upon by older men, who idolized a coach who propositioned her, was flattered by that attention. He preyed on several other girls before getting a 15-year-old teammate pregnant. He disappeared. We never talked about the incident much until we were adults because we all thought we had done something wrong, and were ashamed.

I would like to speak briefly for all the young girls and young boys who have been victims. To say it is your fault that an adult has preyed upon your youth and naivete is in the same mindset as saying that a rape victim deserved to be raped because she wore a short skirt.

You deserve respect, you deserve your youth.

Yes, adults do your homework. The internet is not only dangerous for adults, but more so for our youth who may not know better. The teenage brain is still developing; that is why they live at home, go to school, and why we should monitor their phones and social media. They may do things without understanding the consequences. They are learning right from wrong.

It is up to us, as parents, teachers and a community, to raise our youths to be adults who ask the right questions, and to teach our girls and boys to be strong, confident and respectful. In the long run, it is the adult who makes the right-from-wrong choice.

Leslie Ross
