Monday, June 15

A Main Street resident reported an intoxicated person loitering and drinking beer in their apartment building’s stairwell, even though the man repeatedly had been told to leave. Police responded and arrested a 58-year-old Klukwan resident for criminal trespass.

A road construction company reported Allen Road would be closed to traffic during construction hours for the next six weeks. The company is replacing a borough water line.

Officers investigated a vehicle crash near the intersection of Haines Highway and Mud Bay Road. No injuries were reported.

A caller reported her pet cat had attacked a woman. Haines Animal Rescue Kennel personnel was notified and said they were aware of the situation.

A hiker reported finding a dead eagle on a beach at Chilkat State Park. The American Bald Eagle Foundation was notified.

Sunday, June 14

A caller at a Main Street bar reported a parent parked their occupied baby stroller on the sidewalk outside the bar to go inside and pick up their spouse. While unattended, the stroller brakes failed and the child and stroller started to roll down the sidewalk. Bystanders stopped the runaway stroller. No injuries were reported.

A tour operator at Chilkoot Lake reported someone broke into his shed and siphoned 20 gallons from a boat gas tank. Troopers were advised.

A caller reported trucks speeding on Union Street.

A Small Tracts Road resident reported he hadn’t seen a previous employee since the beginning of June and was concerned for the man’s welfare. Police are seeking information from residents regarding the welfare and/or whereabouts of 41-year-old Earl Stanley. Stanley was last seen in Haines June 3.

Saturday, June 13

A caller reported he was walking to town from 6 Mile Haines Highway when an occupant of a green pickup truck threw a beer bottle out the window, striking him in the head. The caller didn’t require medical assistance. Police and troopers were unable to locate the vehicle.

Police assisted troopers with search warrants and a warrant arrest in Haines.

A person reported a motor home with a vehicle in tow was illegally parked on Front Street.

A business owner reported an RV owner had parked and chocked their RV tires in a private parking lot. Police responded and told the RV owner to move.

A woman living near 1 Mile Haines Highway reported an intoxicated person yelled at her 9-year-old son. Police responded and spoke with the woman, but were unable to locate the intoxicated person.

A Helms Loop resident reported a domestic dispute. A short time later, troopers reported one of the parties in the dispute had crashed a vehicle into a ditch. Police arrested a 45-year-old man for driving under the influence.

Friday, June 12

Police and fire crews responded to an apartment at Third Avenue and Dalton Street for a fire alarm, but discovered it was triggered by burnt toast.

A woman reported someone let her horse loose last year because they were angry with her. The caller was advised to post “No Trespassing” signs to allow ready prosecution of the offender if they returned.

A person reported a red vehicle repeatedly speeding through Deishu Drive. An officer was advised.

A man reported a cow moose and four calves walking around the Southeast Alaska State Fairgrounds. Police responded and steered the moose into the woods.

A Mud Bay Road resident reported hearing a single gunshot. An officer checked the area but found no signs of a disturbance.

Thursday, June 11

A man reported someone stole gas out of his truck the previous night. An officer responded and initiated an investigation.

Wednesday, June 10

A woman reported a controlled burn that appeared to be very large. Fire crews responded an said the fire was under control and being monitored by three people.

An officer reported a two-vehicle accident on Main Street. The drivers exchanged information.

Tuesday, June 9

A caller reported a brown bear ran across the Haines Highway and up Fair Drive. Moments later, a motorcyclist stopped at a nearby gas station to report he had been chased by the same bear while riding on Fair Drive. Police responded but didn’t locate the bear. Wildlife troopers were advised.
