When you meet a young lady, she might encourage your romantic interest. She looks and acts older than she is, and lies about her age. By the time you find out how old she really is, you might be hopelessly in love, and think it is ok to continue the friendship because after all, you are “only friends.”

However, once you kiss or touch her in any way, you become a sex offender, whether you have had sex or not, and the law does not care what she said or did to entice you. Do not have any conversations with her on social media, or you will be accused of online enticement, which carries heavy penalties, even if it was her words that were the more enticing ones.

You will be forced to accept a “bargain” that includes spending years in prison, and be on the sex offender list for 15 years, with collateral consequences that can last a lifetime. When you meet a young lady you do not know, and she strikes your fancy, ask to see her ID card! My son did not!

Donna Catotti
