Build it out of wood, plastic, rock or metal. Maybe it is an island, or even a continent. We don’t care what color it is. As long as it gives us protection from angry seas. Because that is what this is all about. Protection. It is not about happy tourists, or happy land dwellers. If you want fishermen to be a part of your community you need to provide a place we can refit, restock, refuel and rest. That requires calm, protected water. Hopefully lots of it. And access to our shore side support without having to pack supplies and tools a mile on our back.
So before we ask the people of the borough once again, (of which 70 percent have already voted for the expansion) what color or how much space there should be for a tourist to eat his lunch, why don’t we listen to what the folks who will use the facility have already said?
Please don’t muddle the waters with more discussion.
We have a plan. It’s a good one.
Don’t put the whole project at risk.
Go forward.
Build the harbor.
Dwight Downer, F/V Bavaria