Local parents are working hard to get Girl Scout troops going again in Haines.
The previous troop faded away two years ago as the girls grew up and moved on. Last year, a Daisy troop for kindergartners and first-graders was founded. This year, girls are being lined up for Brownies and possibly the older levels of scouting.
“It’s hard as (the girls) get older,” said Edie Granger, who was a troop leader for five years. With more options for activities and sports as girls reach middle school, they lose interest or time in their schedules for Girl Scouts, she said. There was also a lack of interest among parents to lead a troop of younger girls.
Granger also said it’s often difficult to have both Girl Scouts and Venture Scouts together in a tiny town. With seasonal sales and fundraisers, “there’s only so many funds you can raise,” Granger said.
After Granger’s troop dissolved, one year went by with no Girl Scouts before Melissa Blaine led a small Daisy troop for her daughter.
“It gives (the girls) something to do in town,” Blaine said. She said Girl Scouts are a good option for kids who are too young or in between ages when they can really participate in team sports.
Now, Blaine, Krystal Lloyd and Mariah Morris are rallying to recruit more adults for leadership roles in the Girl Scouts.
Morris said. “It’s definitely something that needs to happen again, if not for the kids, then for the cookies.”
Morris recently shared her efforts to find more adults willing to co-lead or organize troops on the Haines Chatters Facebook page. Morris will also meet with Blaine, Lloyd and others at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 2 at the Haines Borough Public Library to plan for the year. She welcomes anyone interested in leadership or organization for the Girl Scouts to come to the meeting or contact her at 907-515-7599.
Blaine and Lloyd will lead a Daisy troop this year, and Morris will lead a Brownie troop. The Daisy level is for girls from kindergarten to first grade. Brownies are for second and third grade. The junior level is fourth and fifth grade. And cadets are sixth and seventh grade.