Take a closer look at the candidates.

Qualities to consider when choosing assembly members:

CREATIVE – Will they bring new ideas, and creative thoughts to help solve problems?

STAMINA – Will they stay focused on the issue at hand until it’s resolved?

HUMILITY – Will they admit a mistake? Will they defend the body even though the outcome may not be what they preferred, or will they criticize opponents, find fault with the process, and resort to name calling?

DEMOCRATIC – Once elected will they represent the entire Haines Borough? Can they work with all sides or do they have an axe to grind, measuring their success by “winning” instead of finding consensus?

FLEXIBLE – Are they willing to change when presented with credible information? Will they cooperate and negotiate or be unwilling to find common ground? During discussions will they weigh both sides? Can they look beyond personalities at content rather than “shoot the messenger” just because they perceive them to be on the “other side”?

COMPASSIONATE – Can they put themselves in others’ shoes and show respect for others’ views instead of bringing up past innuendos to bolster their stance?

FAIR – Will they go to the source, investigate on their own instead of relying on rumors from a second person what “he or she said or did”?

I think all our candidates have the best interest of our community in mind. If we look closely, we’ll find that Judy Erekson has demonstrated these important qualities time and again.

Dan Egolf
