Our community is in need of seven individuals to step up to serve on the Code Review Commission. The Minor Offenses Ordinance brought to light the need of a systematic review of Haines Borough Code. In response to this need, the assembly recently established the Code Review Commission.
The commission will be undertaking the task of reviewing the current code and recommending changes to support individual rights, form a more responsive government, secure maximum control of local affairs, retain control over the affairs of government, and allow residents to enjoy life without unnecessarily restrictive or arbitrary laws or regulations.
The Mayor is currently requesting applicants to respond ASAP in the hopes of making recommendations at next Tuesday’s assembly meeting on Sept.13. Please note a resume is not required to be submitted with the application. Additionally, no experience is required.
To be considered, please submit a letter of interest or an appointment application form with a brief description of your background. The only qualification required is to be a resident of Haines Borough and a willingness to give of your time for the benefit of our community. Submit your application to the Borough Clerk in person or via email at [email protected] or [email protected] and be sure to CC: your assembly members.
We need active participation by community members in order to have an effective government of the people, for the people, and by the people. We all get the government we deserve.
Brenda Josephson