Bill Wilson’s Chilkat Automotive is nearing its third year of service.
“I deal with everything to do with auto repair, new and old,” said Wilson, who opened the automotive repair shop in September 2014.
Wilson, a five-year resident of Haines with 30 years of mechanic experience, said customer satisfaction is priority one for him. He prizes his reputation for honesty and his work ethic, qualities that he says are lacking in many corporate businesses.
“I make my business like an alternative to a dealership,” Wilson said. “Everything caters to making the customer happy.”
Chilkat Auto is always busy. And Wilson’s work does not always take place at the auto shop—he’s willing to repair vehicles anywhere, even on the side of the road. Wilson said he recently went all the way to Chilkoot Campsite to fix motor homes.
“We want to take care of every person possible and give them the best treatment,” Wilson said.
Wilson does the majority of the work himself, employing only occasional part-time help. It’s so difficult for him to find a full-time mechanic in Haines that Wilson is forced to advertise in Fairbanks and Juneau.
Chilkat Auto is located on Second Avenue, behind Tesoro. Open year-round Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 766-3737.