I’m distressed to think of this newspaper without Tom Morphet and Karen Garcia. Couldn’t you have waited for next year’s election, Tom, after you had truly left the CVN, making your candidacy truly on target? We have so many for only two seats. With all due respect and affection, because I think you’re quite great, what jerky behavior to run for assembly without first consulting with Karen. Another example of communication issues and their very consequential aftermath. How could you?
And can an everyday person take an informal poll about the harbor? Knowing it’s too late for the October ballot, I’d like to take my own count. I keep wondering if we’re split or strongly one way or the other. Design 14 is the current harbor expansion plan. Bids for it have gone out. Do you find it livable or not? I think it’s too much everything.
Please write to me at [email protected] or call me at home 766-2573; fine to use my hotmail address if you have that. Subject line, choose one: 14YES or 14NO. Please write first and last name(s) in the email; fine to include other adult members of your household, be honorable with no one below voting age. Or call and tell me; I’ll answer, I’ll have answering system turned off. 14YES if you’re fine with it, 14NO if you’re not. Everyone welcome: fishermen, fisherwomen, business people, greenies, everyone. Please participate, please act as if this vote is meaningful. Though totally non-binding, let’s make it real.
Evelyna Vignola