Lynn Canal Community Players is offering two additional skit development workshops in advance of the Sept. 10 event, “Skitsophrenia: Historic Hysterics Skit Festival.”

The free workshops led by writer and actor Dan Henry will be 7 p.m. Friday, at the Chilkat Center lobby and 5-7 p.m. Monday on the Chilkat Center main stage.

The skit festival will be part of the 90th anniversary celebration of the Chilkat Center, and the acting group is hoping for a roster of polished skits, said LCCP secretary Annette Smith. The workshops, which also were held in mid-July, are aimed at brainstorming ideas for skits and providing production advice, Smith said.

Skits must be submitted for production by Sept. 1. The show is a fundraiser for the Foundation for the Chilkat Center for the Arts.
