Monday, June 24
A woman reported glass insulators were missing from her electric fence on Union Street.
State road crews were advised of overgrown trees blocking a road sign on Lutak Road.
A person reported a door left open at a vacant Beach Road business. Officers responded and determined nothing had been disturbed.
A caller reported a vehicle parked on the wrong side of 1 Mile Lutak Road, impeding traffic. Officers responded and warned the driver.
A caller reported a fire across the river near 6 Mile Haines Highway. Fire crews responded and confirmed the fire went out.
State road crews were advised of multiple downed trees in the roadway near 25 Mile Haines Highway.
State road crews cleared the road near 20 Mile Haines Highway following a mudslide.
A caller reported a tree on fire on the hillside above the ferry terminal. Fire crews responded and determined the fire went out.
A caller reported fireworks in the area of Fourth Avenue.
Sunday, June 23
A person reported a four-wheeler driving on New Hart Road. An officer responded but didn’t find the vehicle.
Dispatch received a call from the Skagway area reporting a missing person. The caller was referred to the Skagway Police Department, but the caller phoned shortly thereafter to report the person was found.
Dispatch received a 911 call from a person who had run out of gas. An officer responded to help.
A caller complained of noise at the skate park. An officer responded and asked the people using the skate park to keep it down.
A traffic stop resulted in a warning for failure to stop at a stop sign.
Saturday, June 22
A Cathedral View Drive resident reported a person violating the burn ban.
A caller reported a bear “hanging around” a campground near 7 Mile Lutak Road. The park ranger and wildlife trooper were advised.
Officers initiated a case for reckless driving and child endangerment after discovering a local tour operator using a van with eight-person occupancy was driving around with 11 people.
A caller reported finding a hunting rifle and an assault rifle by the side of the road near the intersection of Third Avenue and Deishu Drive.
A requested welfare check on a person staying at a campground out Lutak Road determined the individual was fine.
The owner of a campground near 7 Mile Lutak Road reported easily scaring away a bear. The park ranger and wildlife trooper were advised.
A person complained of a reckless driver headed out Lutak Road. An officer responded but didn’t find the vehicle.
A caller sought help getting into a locked vehicle.
Two traffic stops resulted in a warning for driving without headlights and a charge for reckless driving.
Friday, June 21
A person came to the station to report trash dumped near 7.5 Mile Haines Highway. Troopers were advised.
A caller reported a bear with a green tag in its ear near 2 Mile Haines Highway was not afraid of people. The park ranger and wildlife troopers were advised.
A person reported a knife stolen from a tent at a Fort Seward campground. An officer investigated.
A caller reported a dead eagle on the beach at Chilkat State Park. The bald eagle foundation was advised.
Dispatch assisted in locating an overdue flight.
A caller complained of youths skateboarding in an unsafe manner at the Port Chilkoot Dock.
A caller reported a bear in the middle of 4.5 Mile Lutak Road.
Thursday, June 20
A caller requested to speak with an officer about ongoing issues with his daughter.
A citizen reported seeing a dump truck speeding and using its jake brakes near Piedad Road. Officers could not locate the truck.
A person purchased an item off eBay, but never received it. Police documented the issue.
A caller reported observing an older man rifling through a car that didn’t belong to him. Officers could not locate the man, but said the issue isn’t likely linked to recent vehicle break-ins.
Dispatch received paperwork for a stalking protective order.
A person sought a welfare check on her friend who was getting belongings from an ex-boyfriend. An officer determined the situation was fine.
An officer made a traffic stop in the post office parking lot for running a stop sign and arrested a man for driving under the influence.
A fire was reported on Mud Bay Road. Fire crews responded but the fire was out when they arrived.
Wednesday, June 19
A pool employee requested advice regarding a patron who was verbally abusing other pool users.
A caller reported a vehicle possibly abandoned near 2 Mile Haines Highway.
A person reported damage to heavy machinery kept on Major Road. Officers investigated and initiated cases for criminal mischief and trespassing.
A caller reported a motorcycle violating parking rules near the intersection of Second Avenue and Main Street. An officer responded and the motorcyclist moved the vehicle.
A caller reported a black bear in the parking lot of a Main Street gas station.
An officer issued a citation for texting while driving.
A person reported a suspicious man running from a parking lot in the Fort Seward area.
A caller reported a cyclist riding in the middle of the road on Small Tracts Road.
A person reported another person had entered her residence without her permission. An officer investigated.
Tuesday, June 18
A local organization sought help documenting property damage at Chilkoot Estates.
State road crews were advised of a tree blocking the road at Eagle Bluff subdivision.
A caller reported a chair dumped in the ditch on Vermier Street. Public works was advised.
Dispatch received dozens of calls from people whose vehicles had been raided the night prior.
A caller reported two prowlers trespassing at a Lynnview Drive property.
A Front Street resident reported hearing voices outside her home the previous night, making reference to possibly breaking in. The woman also saw a person drive by the residence and take pictures the day before.
A caller reported a bear in the road near Third Avenue and Deishu Drive. An officer responded but was unable to locate the bear.