We wish to convey our thanks to the many people who over the last approximately 35 years have helped us with the July 4th Mount Ripinsky Race. The race first took place about 50 years ago under the direction of Erwin Hertz, and is still done in the same manner and route he first planned. C.J. Jones, Chris and Deb Kemp, Keri Ewing, Emily Sitter and her Rainbow Glacier Camp crew, and Paul Deuling made up the 2016 race organization “team” this year. They join numerous others who have helped stage the event over the years. Thanks to the Haines Chamber of Commerce for faithfully providing prize money and insurance. And to Debra Schnabel for gifting us with the framed John Hagen photo.

We hope another (younger?) generation will step forward next year to continue this long-term Haines July 4th tradition. We stand ready to help with the transition, and assist with future races.

Paul Swift and Anne Boyce
