Monday, April 6
A Fourth Avenue resident reported a person may have taken personal identifying information from another resident. The caller wanted the information relayed to an officer.
A Front Street business owner reported a person was harassing his employees for the past three nights. The owner wanted police to keep a record of the harassment as the person would be banned from the business if the behavior continued.
A traffic stop resulted in a warning for failure to display a license plate.
Sunday, April 5
A Mud Bay Road resident reported an injured or sick eagle at the end of River Road. Troopers responded and said American Bald Eagle Foundation personnel would pick up the eagle.
A 911 caller reported he had cut his hand and wanted a doctor to come to the clinic. The caller was directed to call the clinic.
A traffic stop resulted in a warning for operating an ATV on a state road.
Saturday, April 4
A Mud Bay Road resident living outside the townsite reported hearing gunshots and a man yelling. Troopers responded along with an officer. Troopers arrested a man for driving under the influence.
Friday, April 3
A caller reported seeing a white Honda hit a moose calf on Small Tracts Road. An officer responded and spoke with the caller, who said the calf seemed fine and was following a cow and eating. Troopers were advised.
A Cathedral View subdivision resident reported receiving a scam phone call regarding passwords on her computer. The resident didn’t disclose personal information and hung up on the caller. The resident wanted to advise police so the public could be alerted.
A person tried to leave property at the police station that was accidentally taken during a move-out from a rental property. The person said they didn’t want to contact the property owner and thought the police should return the property. The person was told to have someone else drop off the property, as it wasn’t a police issue.
A Mud Bay Road resident reported a campfire on a nearby beach and was afraid the grass would catch fire. An officer responded and determined the fire was under control.
Traffic stops resulted in warnings for expired registration, speeding in a school zone and speeding.
Thursday, April 2
A caller reported receiving a fraudulent phone call from someone claiming to be with the Internal Revenue Service. An officer was advised.
A business near the intersection of Front and Main streets reported someone had dumped trash in front of the business. An officer responded and determined the bags of garbage had been removed from a “glass only” dumpster behind the building so the garbage company could empty the dumpster.
Wednesday, April 1
A caller reported receiving an April Fools prank call stating his property was on fire. The caller said he wanted police to be aware of the call.
Tuesday, March 31
A 911 caller reported a stray dog on Battle Road. The caller was asked to call back on the business line.
A caller reported a man in the Deishu Drive area was possibly violating conditions of release. Police contacted the man and determined no violation had occurred.
A person reported black chimney smoke coming from a borough building on Second Avenue. Police contacted the responsible party and asked that borough maintenance staff be notified as it was an ongoing issue. Maintenance was advised.
A Main Street business operator asked for police presence at his business, as an upset customer had said he would be coming down to the business in 30 minutes. An officer responded to keep the peace.