In response to last week’s article, specifically to J.R. Churchill and the petition to repeal the 1 percent sales tax that funds the tourism department, I just want some facts to be known, for those who may not know how the dock was and is funded. It is true that back in 1994, there was a bond to fund the P.C. Dock, which was completed in 1995. Yes, there was a tax to support that bond. However, after just a few short years, state Rep. Bill Thomas managed to get a grant and then the cruise ship “head tax” was later applied that paid off that bond. From that point forward, not one penny of the local money paid for the new pier, improvements to the parking lot, ramp, bathrooms that were built and other aesthetic improvements. All those improvements were paid for by grant money as well as the cruise ship head tax. Bill Thomas is also to be commended for this progress. In the year 2000, when we had five ships a week visiting Haines, the money that was coming in from the moorage and other money from the ships paid for the harbormaster’s position and also his assistant.

Karen Hess
