Children’s librarian Holly Davis said a record 122 students have registered for the Haines Borough Public Library’s Summer Reading Program, following Friday’s program kick-off.
Registration remains open for the program aimed at students through age 12. It continues through Aug. 3. “On Your Mark, Get Set, Read” awards prizes from a treasure chest as rewards for reading.
Students can earn a donation toward helping needy people overseas. “So instead of taking a super ball, a reader might decide to donate $5 to a meal for a hungry child,” Davis said this week.
The Fireweed Pizza Challenge, offering a pizza to students reading 12 books, continues through October, she said, but students can’t count the same book in both programs and must read age-appropriate books to win the restaurant meal.
“If you’re reading Harry Potter Book 7, you can’t go back to The Magic Tree House,” Davis said.
The library’s summer program is one of about a dozen programs and camps open to youths this summer. Others include:
CSI/Forensics. Haines School. June 6-7, June 13-14, June 20-21. Grades 5-8. 766-6700.
Extreme Adventure Camp. Haines School. June 27-30. Grades 7-9. 766-6700.
AKtive Summer Skills Basketball Camp. Kyle Fossman. June 7-9. Grades 3-12. Call 314-0481 or email [email protected].
Junior Golf Camp. Valley of the Eagles Golf Links. May 31-June 3.766-2401.
Girl Scout Summer Camp. Girl Scouts. July 25-29. At Presbyterian Church. Call 800-478-7448 or email [email protected].
Summer T-Ball Program. Haines Borough Community Youth Development. Started May 30. Grades 1-4. Fairgrounds ball field. Call 314-3094 or 766-2477 or email [email protected].
Summer Soccer Program. Community Youth Development. Starts June 7. Ages 5 through high school. Call 314-3094 or 766-2477 or email [email protected]
Summer Youth Theater Conservatory. Lynn Canal Community Players. June 30-July 24 .766-2708.
Rainbow Glacier Camp. Presbyterian Church. June 16-July 9. Grades 2-12. Call 766-2127 or email [email protected].
Haines Science Camps. Haines Sheldon Museum. Hydrology Camp: June 13-17. Grades K-2. Night Science Camp: July 11-15. Grades 3-5. Preschool Camp: July 18-22. Call 766-2366 or email [email protected].
Garden Club. Takshanuk Watershed Council. Started May 31. Grades 3 and up. Call 314-3299.