The name change for the Sheldon Museum has been on a lot of minds lately. I would like to add a few more thoughts.

I have spoken to several people in the community and not one has been in favor of a name change. One resident commented that the Sheldon name belonged to the past and newer residents had no connection to the name. That’s absolutely correct. It is in the past. Isn’t that what history is – the past? If it weren’t for pioneers such as Mr. Sheldon and others, Haines could still be a few boardwalks and cow pastures.

When I moved here 20 years ago, I wanted to know all about the town I chose to live in so I went to the Sheldon Museum gift shop and bought the book, “Haines: The First Century.” It was very interesting and informative. Do you know where Soap Suds Alley is or how it came to be named? How about Santa Claus Mountain? I understand the children from the mission named it because it reminded them of Santa Claus with a pack of toys on his back. Some of our newcomers will say, “What children’s mission?” All I can say is get the book and become informed.

Wouldn’t it be better to put a plaque honoring Mr. Sheldon in the entryway of the museum so people passing through Haines would know why the name is Sheldon Museum? You Johnny-come-latelies should learn more about the history of Haines.

Dixie Hayes
