The Veterans Day dinner at the American Legion could not have happened if not for the many volunteers who turned out to help. A very special thanks to Chip and Tony Strong, who worked two days preparing the dinner. And what a dinner it was. Their spaghetti sauce was a work of culinary art.

Thank you, Haines Hot Shots, for serving. Thanks also to Ralph Strong and Lauren Patterson for greeting and ticket sales; to Chuck Mitman and the crew from the Uglys for their help; to Joe and Sue Poor for veterans’ sign-in, event coordination and the drawing; to Carol Ridge and Rocki Rostad for setting up the dining room; and to all the others who stepped up when they saw something that needed to be done.

The Legion also would like to thank the local businesses that generously donated to our veterans’ drawing: Haines True Value, Turner Construction, First National Bank Alaska, Bigfoot Auto, Alaska Rod’s, Lutak Lumber, Olerud’s, Chilkat River Adventures, and Janice and Sonny Albecker.

Your Legion thanks you.

Bill Rostad
