Haines Borough Assembly member Mike Case said this week he may have to step down from his seat soon due to medical issues.

Case told his fellow assembly members Tuesday night he was having trouble reading documents because of his deteriorating eyesight.

 “It may be that I cannot stay on the assembly. I had a great deal of trouble reading what was given to me,” Case said. “I’ve just got to see how things progress, but I will give you my word: I’m not going to stay here and not be able to participate in a meaningful way.”

In an interview Wednesday, Case said his glaucoma recently became much worse, and he has gone almost completely blind in one eye.

“All of a sudden this week it really took a dip,” Case said. “Hopefully it’s reversible, but if it’s not, I can’t be effective if I can’t read the stuff in front of me.”

Case is heading to Juneau this week and then on to Seattle for operations.

“I really enjoy serving on the assembly, despite things like last night,” he said, referring to Tuesday’s meeting on the minor offenses ordinance. “But I want to make sure I’m worth my keep.”

There are two years remaining in Case’s term.
