A third Haines resident has filed for Haines Borough Assembly.

Tresham Gregg turned in his papers minutes before the borough offices closed Wednesday evening, clerk Julie Cozzi said. As such, she was unable to review or certify Gregg’s candidacy by press time.

If Gregg’s papers are certified, he will vie against Jerry Lapp and Margaret Friedenauer for one of two open assembly seats.

The candidate filing period closes at 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 20.

Gregg, 71, grew up in Haines. He owns several art galleries and also makes his own artwork. He currently serves on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee and Chilkat Center Advisory Committee. He is the chair of the Foundation for the Chilkat Center and previously served as the chair of Lynn Canal Broadcasting Corporation.

Gregg said his main reason for running is the Small Boat Harbor expansion project.

“I kind of felt that the public wasn’t really getting heard on the harbor expansion project and whatever it was that we did say was not being addressed,” Gregg said. “I’m really interested in it being a beautiful, working situation that is within our means and that doesn’t destroy the natural beauty of what we have here.”

When asked whether he thought he could effect change as a single person serving on a six-member body, Gregg said, “We can only hope. Maybe if others got on the assembly that felt the same way then change could materialize.”

Gregg said he is also interested in seeing more citizen participation and transparency in local government. “(We need to) make good things happen in Haines. We need an economy that is based on who we are: local businesses, artists, tour guides, fishermen.”

Gregg said he listens well and can come up with creative solutions to problems. 
