Thanks to all the folks in Haines who purchased Christmas wreaths and Christmas trees, and to all those who dropped off used tires last fall. We sold over 100 Christmas trees and collected nearly 250 tires!
Without the generous annual donation from Alaska Marine Lines we wouldn’t be bringing these beautiful trees and wreaths to our community. So if you happen to stop in their office, please let them know how much you appreciate their gift to all of us.
Our tire drive last fall was also a huge success. Old tires are expensive to get rid of, and we all tend to store them in our yards for years. The tire drive was just what the community needed to help clean things up before winter. We charged $7 per tire and, much to our surprise, Tom Hall and Mike Dorris from Community Waste Solutions let us leave them at their facility at no charge. They also encouraged us to have another tire drive in April. So save your tires for us! Incidentally, I had not been to that facility in a while and was very impressed. It has become the cleanest, most organized “dump” I have ever seen.
The Scouts have not yet made a decision as to their next great adventure, but some of them are considering a two-week raft trip down the Grand Canyon in August 2016. We are still piecing together a program to share with the community from our trip to Australia last summer.
Greg Podsiki for the Haines Venturer Scouts