On behalf of my family and me, I would like to send out many thanks for the people who took great care of me during my recent medical event. I would like to thank Chuck Mitman for his quick response and giving me what was needed to keep the blood flowing. Thanks to Al Badgley for his precise knowledge of what to do during the trip to town and the ambulance crew who came out to pick me up. At the SEARHC clinic, thanks to nurse Becky Malone and Dr. Adam McMahan, who made some very important decisions that were very helpful before my flight to Anchorage. Thanks to our state trooper Andrew Neason for his help. Thanks to the Klehini Valley Fire Department crew’s help. Thanks to our good friends Michael Marks and John and Terry Shaw for watching the pets and keeping the house warm, and to the many friends and neighbors in Haines for the phone calls, cards and offerings of help.

Keith Houlberg
