Church leaders who organized a community Thanksgiving celebration held at the Haines School cafeteria say the event was a success they’ll continue next year.
Resident Barb Blood was among about 150 residents and visitors who turned out for the meal. She brought a turkey and Southern cornbread sausage stuffing. “It was very well attended. There was lots of food, and I met some eagle-watchers. “
Pastor Wayne Cowart of the Haines Assembly of God launched the idea of a combined meal in November. Open-invitation Thanksgiving dinners previously have been offered by various restaurants and by individual churches. “It just shows the Body of Christ as one body, instead of being separated all the time,” Cowart said.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Port Chilkoot Bible Church and Salvation Army joined Cowart’s church in sponsoring the event.
“We had people from all over the town,” Cowart said. “We had a lot of good comments about the churches working together, the camaraderie and the location… Some people won’t go into a church no matter what, so having it (at the school) was a neutral location,” which helped the event, he said.
At least nine turkeys and six hams were offered at the dinner, as well as a variety of desserts. It included decorations crafted by Tammy Hauser and live music by Dave Nanney.
Salvation Army pastor David Kyle said the communitywide event worked for his church, which this year didn’t raise sufficient funds via a by-mail solicitation to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys to individual families. Cowart said Presbyterian Church officials expressed support for the combined dinner but had already planned a separate one at their church.