I would like to respond to the letter to the editor titled, “Are homeschooled students learning?” that was published in the April 10 edition of the CVN.
Over the years that I’ve been superintendent of the Haines Borough School District, the students in the district’s homeschool program have consistently shown a high degree of achievement on the state tests all the district’s students take every spring. In fact, this last year the homeschool program was recognized by the State of Alaska for excellent academic performance. Since parents are the primary teachers in our homeschool program, I attribute this high degree of success to their efforts. Good homeschooling requires strong support and strong effort from parents. From what I’ve observed and from the homeschool parents I know, I see an exceptional degree of dedication and commitment to the best learning possible. So I do believe that the answer to the question, “Are homeschooled students learning?” is for the majority, a resounding, “Yes!”
Michael Byer
Haines Borough School District superintendent