Jackie Haddock-Swift and Scott Brewington returned from their Las Vegas honeymoon, during which they stayed at the Luxor Hotel and Casino, met a drug dealer on Fremont Street, and did a lot of walking. Haddock-Swift spent a day at the spa. To keep themselves from gambling, she said they attended shows, including the Carrot Top comedy show, “Criss Angel MAGICjam,” and Cirque du Soleil’s “Zumanity.” The couple also dined at the Heart Attack Grill, went to the pawn shop used in the reality show “Pawn Stars,” and attended the “Tournament of Kings” dinner show, during which they witnessed jousting and ate a Cornish game hen dinner with no silverware.
George Figdor spent three weeks traveling in Bangladesh, where he visited rural villages and took photographs for the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation’s climate change project. The crowded country is facing fisheries and agricultural problems from salt-water intrusion caused by rising sea levels and India’s Farakka Barrage, which operates across the Ganges River and reduces Bangladesh’s freshwater supply. Figdor traveled with the foundation’s Bengali field staff. It was Figdor’s first visit to a predominantly Muslim country, and he was fascinated by the people and culture. One village showered the group with marigold petals.
Former resident Kerry McIver headed to Haines immediately after teaching her last class in Healy. McIver’s spring break trip was bookended by ski trips, beginning with a stop in Juneau, where sister Eileen joined her for a day at Eaglecrest Ski Resort. Kerry ended her break with a trip to Skagway, where she competed in the Buckwheat Ski Classic. Karen Garcia and Lori Webster joined the group for Skagway fun.
Joe Parnell was featured in about five Juneau Empire photos during last week’s Gold Medal Basketball Tournament. Besides action shots and posing with Klukwan’s Masters Division championship team, Parnell was photographed playing his saxophone and cavorting on the court in his bear costume.
Domestic violence health educator Jackie Mazeikas went to Skagway mid-March, where she and about 25 members of Skagway’s Domestic Violence Task Force gathered at the Presbyterian Church to make drums for this year’s “Choose Respect” marches. Skagway middle school and high school students as well as adults attended. The Haines march took place Thursday.
Marnie Hartman went to Koh Samui, Thailand where she sharpened her yoga instructor skills by completing a Myofascial Release and Chinese Medicine training as part of a weeklong Samahita Retreat. More than 50 people, representing 17 countries, participated. She said it was fun being a minority traveler in a warm country with amazing spicy food and welcoming people. Pre-retreat, she and Greg Schlachter spent a week exploring Thailand with friend Nathan Jauvtis of San Francisco. On the flight back to Bangkok, they sat behind a woman from Whitehorse. Hartman plans to incorporate the MRCM training into her weekly yoga classes at the Chilkat Center. Classes are 5:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. A guys-only class is 4 p.m. Friday.
About 35 skiers and snowboarders competed in the second annual Nickolay Dodov Slopestyle Event at Bear Valley Mountain, Calif., March 8. Natalia Dodov said there was “great energy” on the mountain in memory of son Nick, who died in a heli-skiing accident in Haines March 2012. The event, aimed at backcountry education and snow safety awareness, was put on by the The Nickolay Dodov Foundation with the help of sponsors. It included music, awards, a silent auction, and a presentation. Sierra Avalanche Center from Tahoe came to support the foundation and spread backcountry awareness. The foundation hopes to make next year’s event a two-day affair. On Feb. 15, Nickolay’s birthday, the foundation had a “successful presence” as part of BVM’s annual safety week, which included safety videos and presentations by ski industry professionals.
A dozen friends celebrated Bengie Stuart’s early birthday at the Bamboo Room Monday. Benjie thought she was having her regular lunch with Travina Stuart and Myrna Kornelis.
School counselor friends Lindsey Moore and Lisa Nikodyn of Wrangell spent their spring breaks in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. They went snorkeling and paddle-boarding and relaxed in the bar atop the marina’s lighthouse. With her underwater camera, Moore captured images of stingrays and puffer fish. She also spotted an eel, hurt her ear scuba diving, and went zip-lining. Passing through Seattle, Moore visited parents Ruth and Rich and brother Devin.
Erik Stevens, Lindsay Johnson, Graham Kraft, Beth Fenhaus, Amy Mattix, Sam Siemens-Luthy, Jeffrey Moski, and Ian Seward went on a Glacier Bay skiing adventure last weekend, during which they endured strong winds that resulted in a stormed-in day and a brutal night, Stevens said. The other days were calmer and full of good skiing.
Saturday’s Haines Dolphins’ Swimathon was the best yet, said parent volunteer Tigger Posey, who has organized the annual event for the past seven years. For two hours, 24 Dolphins ages 5-15 swam 49.5 miles to raise money for the team. Spectators blew vuvuzelas and balloons filled the lobby. Dolphins train five days a week September through May, the longest season of any sport in Haines. Dolphins who swam the maximum 200 lengths included: Skye Posey, Kamakana Kanahele, Jasper Posey, Madeline Andriesen, Naomi Green, Elena Saunders, Lydia Andriesen, Brennan Palmieri, Dylan Chapell, and Carver Culbeck. Athletes received medals from head coach Robert Butker and Mayor Stephanie Scott. Assistant coaches are Marian Carlson and Diana Mallory. Tigger estimated $14,000 was raised so far. First-year swimmer Hayden Jimenez raised over $3,200 so far. The fundraiser ends April 11. To make a donation, go to www.swim-a-thon.com.
Over a dozen costumed dogs walked the runway during the Haines Animal Rescue Kennel pet fashion show Saturday at Harriett Hall. About 100 people attended the event which netted about $2,500 for a local vet clinic, executive director Steve Vick said. Victoria Moore spoke about her son Alex’s service dog Gus, and attendees watched a documentary about the Moore family made by Vick. Winners of the fashion show were: Wearable art: Cookie, wearing a sequined dress and walked by Len Feldman; Superhero/Movie: pug Pi, who was dressed as an astronaut and was walked by Eileen McIver; Best Catch: wire fox terrier Wiley, who was dressed as a skunk and was walked by Sue Waterhouse; and Hawaiian/Best in Show: pug mix Roxy, who wore sunglasses and a grass skirt and was walked by Kaeden and Melissa Ganey.