Haines Big Brothers Big Sisters is grateful for the community’s financial gifts, and the time given by fundraisers and helpers, that made the 2014 Bowl for Kids’ Sake a success. Individual giving totals about $7,900. Local business and organizational contributors include: Lane Sponsors: Alaska Power and Telephone and Howsers IGA, Pin Sponsor: Alaska Mountain Guides, Boosters: Southeast Road Builders and The Haines Uglys.
The Alaska Cruise Association also made two large gifts of support to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska programs in two Southeast communities: $2,500 to Hoonah and $2,500 to Haines. Altogether, including the Parts Place Wii Bowling Competition funds, about $12,500 was raised in support of Haines BBBS. Thank you, Haines!
Burl Sheldon
Haines Community Director
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska