Katie and Jim Whitley and sons Jonathan Slade, 2, and infant Matthew Gunner are leaving Haines and heading back to Texas, where they’ll live in a small town outside of San Antonio. They moved here in April 2012. Katie worked as a dispatcher and Jim was a student at University of Alaska Southeast. Katie’s mother Kate Harrop said all are invited to a farewell party at the Salvation Army 1 p.m. Sunday. Bring finger foods.
Heather and Chip Lende returned from a three-week vacation in Mexico. The couple stayed in the village of Sayulita, where they read, lounged on the beach, and enjoyed fresh fruit and vegetables. They also met Stephen Pomeroy, a former Chilkat Cruises & Tours guide, who now works for Mexican hiking tour company Mexitreks. The couple attended a local film festival on the beach that included snowboarding movies with scenes featuring Haines. They also met up with Marian and John Carlson, daughter Amy Dunbar, and daughter Andrea, husband Russ Stevens, and daughter Ashtyn. In addition, the couple met up with Darsie and Courtney Culbeck and sons Carver and Griffin.
Lindsey Moore celebrated her 30th birthday in Seattle with family and friends at her childhood home. Larry and Nina Zehe, who were also in Seattle, were among those in attendance.
Cynthia “C.J.” Jones spent a couple months touring Europe and visiting family and friends in the Lower 48. In the Netherlands, she and cousin Merrilee Bonney of Dordrecht visited the Leiden American Pilgrim Museum. The cousins are both Mayflower descendants. After they signed the guest book, museum director Jeremy Bangs told Jones his cousins also live in Haines, referring to Carol Lawrence and Dwight Nash. In Muri, Switzerland, Jones visited former resident Tom Robinson, wife Caterina, and daughters Mara and Ella. With a group of Scottish and English friends, Jones hiked the GR20 trail on the French island of Corsica. She then went to Scotland with them, where friends from Wales picked her up for a kayaking trip around Scotland’s Isle of Harris. She also spent time in Kelso, Scotland, where her ancestors lived centuries ago. Other stops included Edinburgh and London, where she visited family and walked Abbey Road, as well as Iceland, where she enjoyed the general “starkness” of the country. In New Jersey, she visited John and Donna Swift and daughter Maddie, as well as Jim and Kathy Hibbard.
Doris Ward reports that she was pleased to see a donation from Bev Schupp while watching the Alaska PBS art auction last weekend.
John Schnabel celebrated his 94th birthday with about 40 friends and family members Saturday at Fort Seward Lodge. Guests included former regional forester John Sandor, grandson Parker Schnabel, and former state Rep. Bill Thomas.
SEARHC Wisewoman’s Kathryn Friedle said about 25 people showed up for Friday’s “Wear Red, Move Red, Go Red for Women” event, which promoted heart health awareness. Zumba, circuit training, and yoga were offered. Alissa Henry, Melina Shields and Sarah Jaymot led the workout. The event included fresh fruit, veggies, and raffle prizes. Money raised went to the Haines Fire Department for heart health education.
Peggy Ormasen reports that Layton and Lou Bennett will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary Sunday. You can send a card to: Layton and Lou Bennett, 11448 Rainier Avenue S., Apt. 230, Seattle, WA  98178.

To submit items for the Duly Noted column, contact Eileen McIver at 766-2688 or send an email to [email protected].
