A survey about the future of Mosquito Lake School was scheduled to go out late this week, with a one-week deadline for return.

The survey, developed by a recently formed task force, will target upper valley residents, home-school parents, and parents of students in grades 3-5, districtwide. It’s expected to show up in mailboxes by Monday morning.

The Haines Borough school board is looking at options for maintaining an enrollment of 10 students at the school, including curriculum changes that would make the school attractive to students who are now in other school programs.

Those who don’t receive a paper survey can fill one out online by following a link at the school district’s website.

School board president Anne Marie Palmieri encouraged residents with an interest in the issue to weigh in.

“Any information is useful to us because we’re in the information-gathering stage. If they don’t have suggestions (for Mosquito Lake) but have a reason they wouldn’t send their student there, that would be helpful information, too. We don’t just want the positive suggestions. We want the negative and everything else,” said Palmieri.
