Mark Brouwer was on an evening stroll in the Nevada desert Oct. 20 with wife Jennie and 3-month old daughter Anna when he felt a little jab on the side of his foot. He thought he brushed up against a cactus until he looked back and saw a rattlesnake. Brouwer, who is working near Alamo, Nev., monitoring tortoises, was taken 100 miles by ambulance to a Las Vegas hospital, where he received 18 vials of anti-venom during a two-day stay. The bite caused swelling up to his thigh. Brouwer was wearing sandals when he was bit. He considers the experience a good lesson on desert footwear. Brouwer said he couldn’t see what species of rattlesnake bit him.
Elizabeth Jurgeleit and friends Alicia Brandkamp of Spokane, Wash. and Ellie Lokken of Fairbanks broke up their study abroad time in Florence, Italy with a trip to Qatar to visit seasonal Haines residents Lisa and Bob Krebs, school teachers in Doha. The trio, who are in the interior design program at Washington State University, spent a week in Doha, swimming in the Inland Sea, walked on “The Pearl” – a four million-square meter manmade island, and rode camels in the desert, a “see-saw motion of going down and up,” Jurgeleit said. Lokken ate camel stew, which she said tasted like moose stew.
Discovery Channel’s “Gold Rush: Alaska” kicked off its fourth season on Oct. 25 with a two-hour premiere. According to the Discovery Channel’s website, Season 4 includes the Hoffman crew setting up its operation in a dangerous South American jungle, the “Dakota Boys” returning to Porcupine Creek in Haines, and Parker Schnabel in the Yukon Territory running out of cash, desperate for gold. The Discovery crew will soon be packing up its equipment and leaving Haines.
Halloween passed and so did another black light party at Alissa and Ira Henry’s house. The scene attracted more than 50 people and included narwhal Graham Kraft, orca whale Lindsay Johnson, and jellyfish Sara Chapell dancing under exceptional laser and strobe lights. Fred Brouillette served as deejay. Alissa said they’ll try to hit the 100 mark next year. She said her favorite thing about having the party is getting a wide range of people in the community – whether she knows them or not – to come out.
Seasonal resident Ryland Bell made an appearance in Patagonia’s Fall 2013 catalog. A large photo of a local peak known as “The Dirty Needle,” near Chilkat Pass, taken by Jeff Hawe, makes up a page in the magazine. Bell is pictured clinging to the mountain, snow crumbling down beneath him. The page to the right advertises Powder Bowl jackets. The photo is set to also appear on the cover of Patagonia’s winter catalog.
Gary E. Hess says it’s time to go after buffalo. He will be going hunting after Nov. 21. If you are interested in having him bring back a whole or half buffalo, call him at 766-2695. He can bring back four whole animals.
Gus the service dog is growing up fast. Alex Moore’s black Labrador retriever celebrated his second birthday Saturday. In addition to a plane ride from Juneau back to Haines with Alex, 7, and mom Victoria, the birthday dog received a bone from Alex, and a special birthday dinner: two dry fish sticks on top of his usual dog dinner. The day ended with Gus climbing into bed with Alex, who places Gus’ bed on top of his each night. It was one year ago that Gus was introduced to Alex’s school at an assembly and joined the Moore family as Alex’s service dog, who “serves” as a companion and a link between Alex, who is autistic, and others. Steve Vick recently featured Alex and Gus on the website of his nonprofit, Noble Paws. The story of Alex and his dog can be found at
Scott Bradford reports 197 trick-or-treaters stopped by his house on Lynnview Drive. He said traffic is high there because of the proximity of houses on the well-lit loop, but also because of neighbor Lois Wickward’s elaborate displays. Wickward said she saw more than 200 visitors despite being “not at (her) best” in terms of preparation. This year’s props included severed heads and body parts hanging on her property as well as a zombie baby in a swing. Wickward’s costumes, music, and props have sent small children running away with fright – sometimes to Bradford’s door. Bradford has seen as many as 217 candy customers since he started counting them in 1995.
Doris Ward is back after a month down south with family in Tulsa, Okla., an annual checkup at Virginia Mason in Seattle, and a weekend visit with Jan and Steve McPhetres in their winter home across the bay in Poulsbo, Wash. In Tulsa, she and sister-in-law Janie Owen had lunch with former resident Detta Butler. In Bremerton, she, Jan and Steve visited the music class of their daughter Wendy and later had homemade corn chowder while 325 Halloween tricksters called at her home.  She thanks Jim and Julie Shook, who shepherded her from Sea-Tac all the way to her front door Sunday.
