Wildlife troopers are looking for information on two moose that were shot and left to rot during the Tier II subsistence hunt near Haines.
One moose, shot sometime around the Sept. 15 opening, was found near Sheep Canyon Lake on the upper Chilkat River. The moose was left to rot and not reported.
The second moose, located on Sept. 28 in a swamp meadow near 10 Mile Haines Highway, had been harvested of its quarters. The rest of the meat, head and antlers were left in the field to rot.
Troopers are unsure of the kill date on the second moose, which had a two-by-two brow tine configuration that would have been sublegal, according to hunting regulations.
Neither moose was reported to the Department of Fish and Game.
Wildlife trooper Ken VanSpronsen said so far both investigations are at a “dead end.” Anyone with information on either incident can call VanSpronsen at 766-2533.