The Haines Girls Scout Troop 4101 Brownies would like to give a special thanks to Rainbow Glacier Adventures for a great time at Chilkoot Lake. Robert Chadwell and Joe Ordonez shared their knowledge and love of kayaking with the Brownies. Special guest Cynthia Allen is a cherished friend of the girls and we thank her for assisting as well.

The Girls Scouts are currently celebrating 100 years of scouting adventures and fun. Haines Troop 4101 has put together a centennial display located downstairs at the Sheldon Museum. This display will remain there for the rest of this year. We invite folks to come enjoy this unique side of Haines history as well as help identify individuals in the photographs and to share personal stories of any Girl Scout experiences. Thank you to all who have generously contributed their treasures for this display.

K.C. O’Connor
