We would like to take this time to express our appreciation for the generous support our organization received from the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation for our Honoring Women Totems project. As our project nears completion we look forward to having the unveiling ceremony at the front of the Klukwan ANS Hall in Klukwan. (Please keep watch for future notices regarding this upcoming event). The Honoring Women Totems will grace the front of this community building in Klukwan and will add aesthetic value, contribute to the community’s sense of place and native identity while serving to educate the public on the contributions of women in our community and region. The Chilkat Valley Community Foundation has donated to a number of worthy projects in the Chilkat Valley and has improved the quality of life for us all in doing so. Aatléin Gunalchéesh (A big thank you) CVCF for all that you do for Haines and Klukwan.
Lani Hotch